Zambia | adult-only, adventure, safari, solo, tailor-made | safari-tented | national-park, river | comfort

Old Mondoro is set in a grove of Acacia trees that tower above the massive elephant bulls that seem to be constantly feeding on them. On the banks of the Zambezi River in the Lower Zambezi National Park some 35 km downstream from Chiawa Camp this is a beautiful and remote site overlooking a maze of hippo-inhabited islands and channels. With only 5 rooms, 10 beds, Old Mondoro is the Lower Zambezi’s most intimate and private safari camp. Old Mondoro’s setting is exquisite, one of the few safari camps with views in all directions, from one’s chair – to the south the spectacular Zambezi river and its islands sprinkled with wildlife, swivel around to face north and see beautiful woodland full of towering trees dwarfing the impalas, waterbuck, buffalo and elephants. A fun addition is Old Mondoro’s outdoor “loo with a view” overlooking the Zambezi and its wildlife. If you wish to be truly immersed in nature but with all the comforts then look no further than Old Mondoro.